
Grateful. This Labor Day, I join many in celebrating the hard work performed by our nation’s workers this year. Many were asked to go above and beyond the call of duty. Some lost their lives serving others. We honor you.

There is another One I honor today – Jesus. Through His death for all of us, He did a complete work. He paid for our sin, shame, sickness, and disease. He overcame our enemies and removed the barrier between God and humanity, once and for all. He declared, “It is finished!”

Our work? We ask, “What do we do?” His reply has been, “Only believe.” As we believe, we move toward Him in trust. Our hearts are moved to love and obey His leading. He leads us to HIs throne of grace, where we have access to that grace that we know we don’t deserve. But that’s what grace is all about – He gives it because He’s good, not because we’ve earned it or deserve it. Join me as I rest near Him today and enjoy the hard work that He’s done for us. Grateful.

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