Tag: heart

Pioneer Part 3

  Four hundred years.  Biblically speaking, that’s ten generations.  That’s how long it had been since a fresh word from God.  Israel had fallen into a dry, oppressive system of following rules – many rules that no one could possibly keep.  The heart of the Law had gotten lost in the letter of the Law.  …

Like a Little Child

God has always sought out children and those with childlike humility.  The more we realize He’s God and we’re not, the easier it is to posture ourselves to hear from Him.  With that heart attitude, we’re open to what He has to say. The child Samuel in the Bible heard from God at a young …


Grateful. This Labor Day, I join many in celebrating the hard work performed by our nation’s workers this year. Many were asked to go above and beyond the call of duty. Some lost their lives serving others. We honor you. There is another One I honor today – Jesus. Through His death for all of …