God continues to provide opportunities for our character growth. One such opportunity for me was the involved care of my elderly parents these last 3 years. Each day provided joys, challenges, education, and the stretching of the fruit of the Spirit. Mom has full-time care now, and Dad is rejoicing in his final transition into …
The Power of Abigail
Influence You could say Abigail was an influencer in her day. She had a lot of power behind the scenes. When she needed it, she had power in the face of uncertainty, danger, and difficult circumstances. In fact, her difficult circumstances most likely led her to seek God for that power and influence. We find …
Have you ever seen something many times, and then suddenly see it for what seems like the first time? So it is with the things of God. He’s always around us, leading us, and showing us the best way, and we don’t always see it. He’s often subtle, and reveals Himself to those whose eyes …
Growing in Fruit
God loves good fruit! As the Master Creator, He designed a creative variety of fruit for us to enjoy. Fruit is a picture of a healthy life. The same is true with spiritual fruit – the outflow of your life. How you relate to God and to other people can determine what kind of …

When God Says, “Here I Am.”
In the last blog post, we talked about how a childlike attitude and humble heart respond to God, saying, “Here I am.” There are times when God Himself says, “Here I am.” The good news is that we live in a new covenant, or agreement with God – when we invite Him to be our …
Like a Little Child
God has always sought out children and those with childlike humility. The more we realize He’s God and we’re not, the easier it is to posture ourselves to hear from Him. With that heart attitude, we’re open to what He has to say. The child Samuel in the Bible heard from God at a young …
Grateful. This Labor Day, I join many in celebrating the hard work performed by our nation’s workers this year. Many were asked to go above and beyond the call of duty. Some lost their lives serving others. We honor you. There is another One I honor today – Jesus. Through His death for all of …
The Shift is a Gift
Ready…SHIFT! Those were the famous words of my dad. The year was 1969. I was seven years old. Dad was driving his 1968 VW Beetle. Mom couldn’t see us. The adventurous dad was teaching his curious daughter how to shift the car on the way home from piano lessons, Even though he was steering, pressing …

Welcome to my blog!
Thank you for visiting! I’m excited you have chosen to grow in your faith by spending time with God each day. He has something good in store for you! The I AM devotional is designed to help you experience a different aspect of His character and personality in each of the 40 devotionals. It also …